Lalita Upadhyay  ; For Nature Lover

Lalita Upadhyay ; For Nature Lover

Lalita Upadhyay
Lalita Upadhyay For Nature Lover

For Nature Lover

Only For nature lovers. 

Get ready to grab these products for your good skin & hair with organic products & get 10% discount after using name or insta I’d @iamlalitaupadhyay

You can get These products within good fragrance according to your choice !

This skin & hair kit includes the following products :
1) body soap with Lemon flavour
2) body soap with Roses flavour
3) body soap with Honey flavour
4) body soap with kewda flavour
5) hair shampoo with Neem & Tulsi

Rules for the 10% discount on these products-
▪️follow @mah_lifestyle and @iamlalitaupadhyay
▪️Tag 3 of your friends and ask them to follow @mah_lifestyle & @iamlalitaupadhyay
▪️Post the creative on your story tagging your friends.

Note :- send screenshot on @mah_lifestyle , a screenshot of their story showing that it has been up for 24hours or more
🔸 mah_lifestyle is an authentic, originally made skin care brand. All the products are natural and organic products.
🔸Only for Indian residents. 

Name : Lalita Upadhyay

Profession : Embryologist Doctor

Passion : Fashion Model

Location : Gurgaon, Haryana.

Instagram ID : @iamlalitaupadhyay

Beminimalist facial oil Squalane Review by Aakriti Sharma

Beminimalist facial oil Squalane Review by Aakriti Sharma

Today I will be talking about my favourite facial oil Squalane 100% from the brand @beminimalist.

Beminimalist facial oil Squalane
Facial oil Squalane 100% from the brand @beminimalist ( Product Review by @punjabi_babe )

Opinion :

1. It is a transparent colored face oil with no added fragrance in it.
2. It gets absorbed into the skin providing a boost of hydration (in this dry winter season).
3. It does not feel heavy or sticky on the skin and also doesn’t clog pores (non comedogenic).
4. It is suitable for all skin types and can be used along with actives (any active like retinol, AHA, BHA).
5. I have noticed a healthy glow on my skin ever since I have started using this.

Overall it’s is an amazing face oil out there in indian market. Must give it a try because it will suit every skin type (one of my favourite face oil I have ever used).

मेरी राय:

1. यह एक पारदर्शी रंग का फेस ऑयल है जिसमें कोई भी सुगंध नहीं है।
2. यह त्वचा में अवशोषित हो कर अच्छी तरह से हाइड्रेट करता है (इस शुष्क सर्दियों के मौसम में)।
3. यह त्वचा पर भारी या चिपचिपा महसूस नहीं होता और नॉन काॅमेडोजेनिक है।
4. यह सभी प्रकार की त्वचा के लिए उपयुक्त है और इसे एक्टिविज़ (किसी भी सक्रिय जैसे रेटिनॉल, एएचए, बीएचए) के साथ इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है।
5. जब से मैंने इसका उपयोग करना शुरू किया है, मैंने अपनी त्वचा पर एक स्वस्थ चमक देखी है।

कुल मिलाकर यह भारतीय बाजार में एक अद्भुत चेहरे का तेल है। इसे अवश्य आजमाएं क्योंकि यह हर प्रकार की त्वचा के लिए उपयुक्त है (मेरे पसंदीदा फेस ऑयल में से एक है)।

Product Review by Aakriti Sharma.

Follow Aakriti Sharma on Instagram @punjabi_babe